Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Benefits of Making To-Do Lists

20071126-todo-listI realize it has been more than a week since my last post and I apologize to my readers.  An unexpected hospitalization took me out of commission. Although I’m better, I’m  not quite back to full speed. So, today’s post is one I wrote a while back in response to a prompt on lists. Enjoy.

For those close to me, they know I love lists. I’ve been a list-maker as long as I can remember. There’s something innately satisfying about striking through or checking off a task.

The types of lists  are limitless. Grocery, spring cleaning, Christmas shopping, books to read, stories to write, blog posts, bucket list, and the, ever helpful, pros and cons list.

Shortly after we married (second marriage for both of us), I discovered  a pros and cons list my husband had begun when we started dating! Obviously, the pros won out and 23 years later, we often pull it from its place of safekeeping and enjoy a good laugh. There are many benefits to making lists, including finding Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Photo courtesy of & GoogleBenefits of List Making

Our world is often a whirlwind of busyness. In the rush to meet everyone’s needs, we often forget important appointments or feel overwhelmed with to-do tasks.  Lists help:

  1.  Keeps us on track.
  2. Prioritize, and create a plan of action.
  3. Provide accountability.
  4. Establish goals
  5. Reduces Stress

It’s not always about staying on track. Sometimes it’s about clearing the cobwebs of our mind.  Stress-relief is one of the major benefits for list making. With each check mark or line crossed through a task, there is an incredible sense of accomplishment and in some cases, relief. Reduced stress means more Zzz’s and a clearer mind. And, trust me, I need all the help I can get in that department.

Want more information on the benefits of list making? Check out The List Producer.

Having a list at our disposal has never been easier. We all have cell phones and there are numerous Apps we can utilize. I’m partial to the Reminder App and Sticky Notes.

Want to explore the best Apps for list making? You can check out, Forbes – The 9 Best To-Do List Apps for 2014.

Are you a list maker? What are your favorite lists?

I’d love to hear your comments. Talk to me. Tell me your story. And as always, you can follow me on Facebook at SheilaMGood and  Twitter @cofcmom.










Filed under: Musings, Non-Fiction, Time Management, Writing, Writing tips Tagged: #amwriting, Apps, Forbes, Lists, Reminders, time management

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