Monday, June 1, 2015

Get the Nitty-Gritty on Flash Fiction


Lets talk about flash fiction. Having dipped my toe into this market a few years ago, I love it. Writing flash fiction challenges me to write leaner, encourages my muse, and gives me the break I need from the in-depth work of my novel.

Although, definitions vary from market to market, the terms flash fiction, short-shorts or micro-fiction are often used interchangeably. However, all specify word counts,  ranging from 300 – 1000 words.

In short (no pun intended), flash fiction are compete stories, driven by tight, lean writing and  limited by the number of words. The number varies on the market and genre, but  range  between 300 – 1000 words. Stories less than 300 are most often referred to as micro fiction.

One of the best articles I’ve ever read on this subject is  Suzanne Vincent’s article, Managing Story Length from Slushpile Avalanche. You can also,  check it out Becky Tuch’s post, Flash Fiction: What’s it all About? As the founding editor of The Review Review, she went to the experts to find out what they had to say about this growing genre. Interested in dipping your toe?

My top five favorite sites for flash fiction.

  1. Flash Fiction Online
  2. Flash Fiction Chronicles
  3. NANO Fiction
  4. Everyday Fiction
  5. Vestal Review

The Markets:


Markets catering to flash fiction here. Besides doing a search on Duotrope, you can find markets accepting flash fiction by going to these links.

  1. Flash Fiction Markets
  2. The Review Review
  3. Flash Fiction World

Practice makes Perfect. Check out these sites to flex your flash fiction muscles.

  1. The Daily Post
  2. NANO Fiction
  3. Flash Fiction 365

Want a more succinct challenge?

  1. Julia’s Place for 100 word prompts
  2. Lillie McFerrin Writes– Five Sentence Fiction
  3. 100 Word Story

Filed under: 100 Word Challenge, Five Sentence Fiction, Flash Fiction, Flash Fiction Markets, Friday Fictioneers, Oneword, Prompts, Writing, Writing Resources, Writing short Fiction Tagged: #flashfiction, 100 word stories, @ LillieMeFerrinWrites, Every Day Fiction, Flash Fiction Chronicles, Flash Fiction World, Julia’s Place, Micro fiction, Suzanne Vincent, The Daily Post, The Review Review, Vestal Review, Writing, Writing Exercises

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