Thursday, January 24, 2013


     I was surprised recently to learn grammar was no longer being taught in our school systems. As writer's we know the importance of grammar. A great story poorly written will end up on the slush pile, unpublished every time. In 2012,  Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) released its findings. US students once again lagged behind other countries in reading. Our country spends more on each student, than any other country. Yet, for some reason the basics are not getting through. 

     I have my own theories as to why our children lag behind in reading, have poor grammar and communication skills; there are many reasons, but I believe one in particular plays a huge role - technology and more specifically texting. As convenient as texting makes our lives, it robs us the chance to genuinely communicate. Acronyms replace words and 140 characters replace intimate face-to-face conversations. No wonder the next generation is lagging behind, losing the ability to communicate, or understand basic language. For that, we have done them a disservice.

     As a writer and a grand mother having heard the latest dismal education statistics of US students, I thought  I'd pass a great project on to you. It's the least I can do. We have a responsibility to help re-educate our children and grandchildren. They are the future.

     David & Elizabeth O'Brien of Grammar Revolution are taking the issue head on with their Kickstarter Grammar Revolution Project.

 In addition, you may want to check out their website Diagram It, where they offer 
Puzzler's like the one below. It's a great site to share with your children or grandchildren. So drop me a line and tell me. Do you agree with David & Elizabeth? Do we need Grammar Revolution?

1. This is an old slogan for Energizer batteries.
It keeps going and going.
2. It is a declarative sentence with a transitive active verb.

3. The direct object is compound, and it is made up of two gerunds.
Gerunds are verbs + -ing acting as nouns.

4. The skeleton for your diagram looks like this.

sentence diagram

Do you know the answer? Can you diagram it?

When you're finished, check your answer here.

Do you want to learn more? Learn how to diagram sentences with these exercises.

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