Monday, January 23, 2017

Depression and the Bible

My blog, from which these posts on depression are being reblogged, is a Bible study blog. Just about everything I write has to do with God’s Word, or is at least influenced by my faith. That is true of the depression posts. I just wanted to be sure you’re aware of what you’re about to read 🙂

Study God's Word

Hoo boy.  This can be a really hot topic, and I’m sure there are many who would not agree with some of the things I’m about to say.  The attitude that depression is simply a sin problem is still alive and well out there.  Those who ascribe to that position will tell you that if you will confess your sin, forsake it, and get right with God, your depression will lift.

Is that ever really true?  Sure, I suppose it can be.  Clearly, living with hidden or overt sin in your heart will make you unhappy and out of sorts with both God and man if there is any sense of right and wrong in you.  The Holy Spirit moves in our hearts to convict us of sin.  When He does, we need to confess, repent, and forsake that sin if we are to be right with God and able…

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